Gurukul Shiksha
Features of the Gurukul (Residential School)
- The Admissions in this school will be through the entrance examination.
- The maximum number of students per class will be 30.
- The school will be provided Nutritious, Pure and Hygienic food.
- The Students will be trained for martial arts and archery & self-defense.
- Daily Morning and Evening Yajna.
- Study of Aarsh texts.
- Special programs for personality building and timely arrival of successful and eminent persons of the society.
- In the school, modern subjects will be taught through English medium while Sanskrit and Hindi will be used in common practice.
- Modern subjects like robotics, nuclear science, space science, life science etc. will be compulsorily taught in the school.
- Other foreign languages like German, French etc. and native languages like Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi etc. will also be taught in the school.